Examine Este Relatório sobre CPAP alternative

Examine Este Relatório sobre CPAP alternative

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Patients who have not had success with their CPAP devices may want to try oral appliance therapy. An oral appliance allows for more freedom of movement during sleep and is generally more comfortable for patients.

CPAP history: Only people who haven’t had success with CPAP therapy or find it difficult to continue with the therapy can use the Inspire treatment for sleep apnea.

The Inspire sleep apnea device is surgically implanted into the body, and CPAP treatment is administered through a mask that is worn while sleeping. CPAP equipment requires daily cleaning and regular maintenance.

Check Your Mask Fit: To avoid over-tightening your mask, make small adjustments to the headgear until the mask is secure but not overly tight. If you need to over-tighten your headgear to get a good seal, it may be a sign that it’s time to replace your cushions.

Most of the available PAP compliance software provides useful data that can help clinicians troubleshoot these problems to improve outcomes. Treatment options for OSA patients requiring treatment, but who are unable or unwilling to tolerate CPAP therapy, include weight loss, oral appliances, and upper airway surgeries. Alternative approaches that have come to the market more recently, including nasal expiratory resistance and oral negative pressure devices, will also be discussed.

Always talk with your doctor before making any major changes to your current CPAP routine. Keep in mind that you cannot change the pressure settings on your CPAP machine without a healthcare provider’s approval.

Medications to treat contributing conditions such as rhinitis or hypothyroidism can also be of use. Simpler modifications to the CPAP system such as implementation of a chin strap may also be beneficial (34). In addition, patients with nasal congestion may benefit from the use of the full face mask system. Humidification of the CPAP system may also be beneficial although research has been conflicting in this regard, with more recent reports suggesting no positive impact on compliance but an improvement in the overall side effect profile, particularly nasal symptoms (35,36).

"I was a side sleeper, and the pillow would knock the mask out of place," Levey says. So instead of sleeping through the night, he’d wake up repeatedly with air from the device blowing into his eyes.

A CPAP device can cause anxiety for patients, especially those who are prone to claustrophobia. Some patients may even experience a severe emotional response to a CPAP mask, such as having a panic attack. These patients can also experiment with oral appliance therapy as an alternative.

If your symptoms aren't eliminated after consistent use of the device, contact your doctor to assess whether your pressure needs to be adjusted or if you would benefit from a different PAP option such as an auto-titrating device or a BiLevel machine.

Non-CPAP treatment options are also available, including mouth guards, called mandibular advancement devices, that help to keep your airway open, and surgically implanted devices that deliver electrical impulses to the nerve that controls the upper airway muscles.

Moisturizing Mouth Wash: Some companies produce moisturizing mouthwash to relieve the effects of dry mouth and prevent loss of water throughout the night.

Surgical weight loss via various bariatric procedures has been associated with even greater reductions in weight as well as improvements in OSA. In general, there is a dose dependent improvement in OSA for a given amount of weight loss, though most patients, regardless of the method of weight loss, have residual OSA despite significant reductions in weight. A recent randomized controlled trial showed that while bariatric surgery resulted in weight loss that was significantly greater than diet with counseling over a 2 year period, the reductions in AHI were not statistically different between the two groups2.

What to do: If you wear a full mask, have your sleep medicine specialist or sleep technician check the fit. For mouth-breathing, ask whether a chin strap can be added to your nasal mask or nasal pillow click here devices to hold your mouth shut during sleep.

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